Friday, January 20, 2017

My Bisexuality

The day is January 20, 2017. It is also, coincidentally enough, inauguration day for the President of the United States. A man who has been known in the past to be not so kind to minority groups and who has also been known for his highly conservative views has just become the leader of our free world. And what do I do on this day in American history? I tell the world that I am bisexual.

Here's a little FAQ if you will, about me and my bisexuality. (I got all of these off the internet, I don't actually think anyone cares as much as to ask me questions about it legitimately.)

How long have you known you were bi?
For years, really. However, I didn't really identify with the term "bisexual" until middle school.

Who was the first person you came out to?
I literally had not told anyone until today. My best friends and my distance acquaintances all found out today.

Who was your first girl crush?
Well, there is a 145% chance I still go to school with them today, so publicly on my blog is probably not a very good place to talk about it.

Who is your favorite bisexual fictional character?
Well, I actually had to look up bisexual fictional characters because I don't really know any off the top of my head. That goes to show how much we get represented in that sort of thing. The internet is telling me Bob Belcher is bisexual??? In that case, probably him.

Have you ever been to pride?
No, but I think it would be so much fun!!

But Taylor, aren't you dating a guy?
Yes! And I am in love, in love, in love! Like the forever sort of love gut feeling when you're constantly head over heels and everything feels all mushy and lovely. Being bisexual means I'm attracted to girls AND guys! As a bi person, you don't need to prove yourself to anyone, it's just a matter of what you personally identify with. Though I have all the confidence in the world in my beautiful, fantastic relationship, there was that time for a few years where I was unsure who I would end up with, but I knew it could be a guy OR  a girl. The world works in mysterious ways, dude. But I am happy, I am in love and I will be for the rest of my days, and that's just how the cookie crumbles!

It is just so important to be true to who you are and to not be ashamed. I am the same person as I was yesterday, as I was last month, and as I was years ago! It's just that now, you know a fun little fact about me that you didn't before.

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